How to remain employable in the AI Era

The Artificial Intelligence revolution is already well underway and is having a huge impact on the job market. There is no doubt that artificial intelligence (AI) brings benefits – for example, it automates the repetitive, monotonous tasks that everyone hates at work – but it also threatens to eliminate jobs that involve doing those tasks. […]

Keys to successfully face the first day on the job.

The first day of a new job can be exciting and stressful at the same time. You’re at the start of a great career, lots to learn: coworkers, how your new team works, new environments….. And while every workplace is different, there are a number of practices that are universal and can help you prepare. […]

Which aspects are valued in job interviews?

In today’s world of work, standing out in a job interview can make the difference between getting the job you want or falling short of the opportunity. But what exactly do we recruiters look for in a candidate during the interview? Commitment: Commitment is vital, recruiters expect to find an employee who can stay with […]