Attracting Talent: Generation Z

Attracting and retaining the best candidates has always been a challenge. And now that the talent market is more in demand than ever, it is even more difficult: it is more advantageous, therefore, to have practices aimed at certain groups that have just entered the labor market, such as the well-known generation Z. First of […]

Leadership and transformation in the People Department.

Effectively and conclusively managing human resources in companies is no easy task. In an environment where there is strong competition between organizations, and where retaining talented employees is difficult, leadership within this department becomes a determining factor to stand out and succeed. This means that the way in which this part is managed and led […]

People Analytics in Human Resources

People Analytics, also known as HR Analytics, is a discipline within human resources that focuses on analyzing data to make decisions related to talent management and employee performance. But what does it actually do? Well, it is the process of collecting, analyzing and applying data on the behavior, interactions and characteristics of employees within an […]

The Spanish labor market and its main challenges.

The Spanish labor market is in a gradual recovery phase after the ravages caused by the pandemic. Even so, it can be observed that, in recent months, there has been an improvement in employment figures, with a progressive decrease in the unemployment rate. However, it continues to face significant structural challenges. On the other hand, […]